Oh My Twitter!

I forgot to add TM. And no, this is not another joke post. My Twitter account has been hijacked for about a week now.

The attack was classic (I feel so probably since this is the first time I’m a target of one). My email address ([email protected]) was compromised at around 10pm on 14th of January, 2010. I must admit, I use a very weak password. Even by 1999 standards, its a pretty weak password.

11:52pm, a password recovery was performed on my Twitter account. About 3 minutes later, the associated email address on my account was changed thus relieving me of any form of control over my account. I knew this from a mail sent by twitter to my email address notifying me of the change. Problem is, the new email address wasn’t stated.

Complained to Twitter, got a reply after three days that a support ticket was opened for me with a message that needed my response. I followed the link and arrived at a page requesting me to login to view the ticket. WTF?!

Long story short, I’m yet to regain control of my account 178 hours after the ‘theft’. I really hope to get it back as soon as possible as I miss it already. It was my favorite ‘hang out’ spot.

Now playing: Nothing – I’m Pissed. (LOL)


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